
Posted on Sep 15,2014 in Concept

Get Off the Ground with the Aero-X

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How cool is this? Made by California-based Aerofex, the Aero-X is an aerial all-terrain vehicle similar to a hovercraft, but, unlike the latter, does not rely on the surface for stability, translating into a slightly higher flying altitude. The two-person Aero-X features a carbon-fibre composite primary structure, and is powered by a naturally aspirated rotary engine, which lets it get as high as 12 feet off the surface, and reach a top speed of 72km/h.

aero x hoverbike

Almost like an off-road vehicle that literally gets you ‘off’ the ground, the Aero-X is claimed to be intuitive to fly, with an average user being able to operate it safely in just a weekend of training. It responds to your movements just as a motorcycle would, which should make things easier still. We can think of numerous situations where this thing could be useful, or even recreational. Aerofex requires a refundable deposit of USD 5000 for the USD 85,000 Aero-X, deliveries of which are planned to commence in 2017.

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