
Posted on Sep 15,2014 in Bicycle

Solid Gold Mountain Bike

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Expensive versions of normal things are, well, usually expensive for a reason. High-end smart phones are typically expensive due to the amount of galactic-spec hardware and innovative technology crammed into their compact shells; supercars are expensive because of the space-age materials that make up the body, involving performance and such, you get the drift. Or you can simply cover anything in a bucketload of gold and diamonds to make it expensive. Vertu phones are a prime example of that. But even those overpriced, low-tech phones look pedestrian compared to what ‘The House of Solid Gold’ has on offer. Solid gold reading glasses? Check. Gold shoe laces? Check. No, I am not kidding, check out their website.

solid gold mountain bike

Okay, this solid gold bike, then, is for the (rather loud) individual who already has plenty of other golden accessories lying around. Priced at a cool 1 million US Dollars, and aptly dubbed “The Beverly Hills Edition”, and limited to 13 units worldwide, the fat bike is handcrafted and overlaid with pure 24K gold. Taking over 750 hours to complete, each one will be completely customized and made to the client’s specific requirements. And what is gold without the added dash of some sparkling stones, you ask? Worry not, as the custom emblem at the front is encrusted with over 600 Black Diamonds and 500 Golden Sapphires. The one-off seat is covered in chocolate brown alligator leather, while the water bottle is slathered in gold and accented with chocolate brown stingray. Topping off all that excess is a laser-engraved artist signature, dated and numbered for good measure. And in case the buyer has a hard time convincing his club mates that the bike is indeed gold, there is a certificate of authenticity that ought to add some credibility.

Money, it does strange things to you.

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