
Posted on Sep 30,2014 in Lifestyle

Seek Thermal Camera

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If you’re absolutely nuts about seeing in the dark, or simply wanting to play Predator, the Seek thermal camera looks to be one of your best bets yet. The thermal imaging camera for your smartphone – available for iPhone and a lot of Android smartphones – gives you the power to see the unseen, in both complete darkness and broad daylight. The compact Seek thermal camera plugs to the Lightning or microUSB port on the bottom of your smartphone, then you can swipe between the thermal image and the one coming from your device’s own camera.

While there are more expensive options like the FLIR ONE that do a much better job and even shoots HD, Seek’s thermal camera is way cheaper at USD 199. Okay, it won’t let you shoot 4K videos, but it does get a magnesium housing with an integrated 206 x 156 pixel thermal sensor. If you think that is not a lot, the resolution is actually comparable to what you’d get from dedicated thermal cameras costing many times more. Get it here.

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