2015 SHARK Helmets
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SHARK Helmets has released three new graphics early in a preview to its 2015 collection that will be launched later in the year. The brand new designs have been introduced on the mid-level S700 and the urban idol Raw.
Raw, SHARK’s jaw dropping, head turning, urban helmet has had the Kurtz graphic added, which is a camouflage inspired design in a matt finish.
The most colourful designs in the preview are the Lab High-Vis and the female-focused Spring that are available on the popular S700, a plastic-shelled helmet that includes a drop-down sun visor and a four-star SHARP rating. The KYA High-Vis florescent colouring is suitable as the autumn dark nights draw in, while the Spring WKV offers a feminine design in purple, white and black.
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Tags: shark helmet shark raw