
Posted on Oct 06,2014 in Custom

Yamaha SR250 by Auto Fabrica

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This feature was written by Bujar Muharremi, the co-founder of Auto Fabrica.

The Original type 3 was a bike which was built based purely on fun. Even the build itself went smooth, the single cylinder 250 is a really light machine in its standard form. Once stripped and built back up, we were surprised by its weight. We were amazed at its impact it had at the second BSMC show back in September last year.


Due to the success and huge amount of interest, we built another. This one still falling under the Type 3 umbrella, just a slightly different feel. The design ethos is simple. Strip it back. Minimal yet complicated on each part of the bike. The colours work best as solids on SR250 tanks. The original cream worked well, but we wanted to push it slightly on the colour and trim department. Keeping up to date with current automotive design trends. The colours are a take on the original Bugatti blue, but modified slightly. The tank has has the usual mm adjustments at the back with edges removed to keep the side profile line matching the seat.

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