
Posted on Oct 08,2014 in Custom

Custom Yamaha VMAX Hyper Modified

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Frenchman Ludovic Lazareth has a factory in Annecy-le-Vieux, near the Swiss border, where he turns out two, three and four-wheel creations – including unique car/bike hybrids such as R1-engined bespoke quads and a supercharged 84bhp Yamaha TMax.


Ludovic combines his background as a design graduate and passion for muscle machines. It’s a mix of brain and brawn that results in mad modifications that could come straight out of the movie Mad (V)Max. He’s famous for his silhouette style and for his first iconic VMAX customization – taking a wrecked 1991 model, fitting special parts and an LCD screen with a rear-view video link to create a unique hyper-modified VMAX. While the engine and chassis are mostly stock, this custom Yamaha VMAX Hyper Modified receives an extended rear section, upgraded brakes and a lowered fork.

If you think the bike is cool, get in touch with the builder here.

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