
Posted on Oct 09,2014 in Lifestyle

Velopresso Pedal-Powered Trike

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If you love coffee and bicycles, you’ll love the Velopresso pedal-powered Trike, which combines easy mobility and excellent espresso machinery with an ultra low-carbon operation that requires no electricity. Built in East London using the firm’s unique rear-steer modular tricycle, pedal-driven grinder, and robust gas-fired lever espresso machine, Velopresso is a celebratory fusion of human power, sensory pleasures and technology – old tech with hi-tech, bicycles and coffee, their engineering and aesthetics.

The Velopresso grinder — the first pedal-driven commercial coffee grinder in the world — offers fast yet cool, on-demand grinding at 300rpm and direct to the portafilter with almost no grind retention, producing the freshest of grinds. Put together with the commercial spring-lever espresso machine, you have a potent combination.

In addition to being rideable (keep clear of bumpy roads though!) and offering outstanding manoeuvrability, it’s pretty much portable and can even be dismantled into modules — rear frame, top module, core module.

Apart from offering a healthy and eco-friendly way to make and serve coffee, we think the Velopresso also introduces a new and engaging way of making coffee, via the cyclist–barista’s smooth-pedalled operation of the pedal-grinder, alongside the anticipatory drama of hand-operated pull and slow-motion rise of the espresso machine lever – street theatre for coffee lovers!

This video, made in 2012, shows the first working prototype machine.

Priced at GBP 9,995.00 (around AED 60,000) including custom branding.

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