
Posted on Oct 11,2014 in Watch

Nordschleife 1927 Pole Position Watch

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24 hours can make a beautiful day, and that is one of the reasons there are 24-hour Nordschleife watches. Contrary to most conventional timepieces, these exclusive watches show not just 12, but all 24 hours of the day. A new addition to the range of available watches is the Nordschleife 1927 Pole Position Watch. It is housed in an XL-sized case measuring 43 millimeters in diameter, and boasts a markedly sporty design.

nordschleife 1927 pole position watch

While the minute hand of the German-made timepiece sweeps the same arc as that of a conventional watch, the position of the hour hand indicates a different hour of the day than one would expect; for example, the same position of the hour hand that would indicate either 9am or 9pm on a standard watch, would leave no doubt that it was precisely 9pm on the Nordschleife 1927 Pole Position Watch.

Inside the robust 43mm stainless steel housing is a Swiss Part quartz movement that keeps time with Swiss precision. The top of the watch is protected by mineral glass. The wrist watch comes with a black leather watchband and is available online at www.nordschleife.us for 119 euros.

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