
Posted on Oct 11,2014 in Art


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The stunning Viks WOODaLIKE was born in a small café in Tallinn, Estonia, an afternoon in late autumn 2012, when Indrek Narusk – cyclist, engineer and owner of Velonia bikes – wanted a new commuter bike, but did not want to buy one. So the option was to build one, something different from the norm, and definitely not something boring. A few hours and many sketches later, the design was finalized, and it was decided to build the bike. Once the steel tubes arrived, it took only a few weeks to get the bikes ready. Look like Indrek was happy, as he’s now building quite a few more for others to buy. By the way, viks means “classy” in Estonian. We agree.

Hand painted to look like young oak wood, the Viks WOODaLIKE also features a carbon belt-drive, Miche Primato Pista seat post, 45mm wheels and more. Priced at 3,920 euros, delivery takes about 10-12 weeks once you make your order here.

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