
Posted on Oct 13,2014 in Electric

Tacita T-Race Diabolika E-Bike

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Italian electric motorcycle manufacturer Tacita debuted their latest project, the T-Race Diabolika E-Bike, at the Intermot show in Cologne, Germany.

Despite the fact that it’s a zero emission street bike with an electric engine, the two-seat Diabolika looks pretty aggressive. The Tacita T-Race Diabolika E-Bike was developed to meet the requests of many bikers that, during the Tacita test rides, showed desire for a “flat” bike. The Italian company, founded by Pierpaolo Rigo, came up with one that has a lower seat compared to the other off-road models, along with neat carbon-kevlar bodywork and 19″ wheels.

tacita t race diabolika e bike

The engine is an evolution of the Cross, Enduro and Rally versions presented last year at Eicma in Milan. It’s an electric asynchronous three-phase induction engine, powered by LI-PO Lythium polymer batteries, equipped with a five-speed gearbox, already tested in race conditions during the Merzouga Rally.

tacita t race diabolika e bike

Pierpaolo Rigo explains the choice of the name of the new electric street bike: “Its black livery in carbon–kevlar, its stylish and aggressive lines – as well as the feeling that you get when you ride the T-Race Diabolika – inspired me”.

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