Master of Torque » Yamaha Anime
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This is the first episode in a four-part animated mini-series, called ‘Master of Torque’, that gets into the unique and alternative biking world inhabited by Yamaha MT riders Makina, Koutaru and Dan.
Yamaha’s beautifully drawn anime series continues with this new ‘Master of Torque’ episode. Set in a Tokyo city of the future, the year is 2017 and the fates of a handful of riders who take to the city by night begin to connect and intertwine.
Sit back and enjoy this new episode of the dark side of Japan visualised through classic Japanese anime as the MT-09 hits the neon-lit streets of night-time Tokyo.
Episode 4 of ‘Master of Torque’ brings the story of three motorcycle riders to life.
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Tags: anime TOKYO yamaha mt09