
Posted on Oct 22,2014 in Chopper

Nut Cracker by Paul Milbourn Customs

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Getting your work recognized at local gatherings is one thing, and getting appreciated at the tough AMD World Championships is a different ball game altogether. After winning the annual Bulldog Bash, 42 year-old Brit builder Paul Milbourn decided to take his Nut Cracker, based on a 1983 Honda XL600, to the world stage, held this year at the Intermot. And yes, he placed a very respectable fifth place in the Freestyle Class.

The exquisitely crafted custom chopper receives a 5mm thick stainless steel frame with 2mm sheet welded through the centre, dual petrol tanks, an oil tank located under the seat, on the right side, and a lot of other custom-made stuff, including foot controls, engine mounts, guards, linkages and pipes.

nut cracker by paul milbourn customs

Boasting a custom hardtail swingarm conversion, Nut Cracker by Paul Milbourn Customs rides on 21×3 and 16×5 one-ff wheels, wrapped in Speed Master tyres. While there are no front brakes, the rear sports Harrison 6-pot callipers. Leading link forks, gas shocks, 10mm stainless steel handlebars, one-off internal clutch grips, Amal carbs, reworked clutch, pulley system, inlet manifold 14mm brake master cyilnder are just a few of the extensive list of custom work. The end result is finally slathered in custom artwork by Dave Gunby.

Photos by Onno “Berserk” Wieringa of Madness Photography

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