
Posted on Oct 25,2014 in Custom

Tokyo Dirt by Speedtractor

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Tokyo-based workshop Speedtractor teams up with friends, Animal Boat CC and Iceblock Films to find that there is indeed dirt in Tokyo, you just have to look for it. The workshop was founded on premises similar to what most custom builders believe in; to recapture the lost art of motorcycling. They sensed something was missing, and feared motorcycling was losing it soul. Less and less new riders were joining the pursuit, and many of them grew tired of waiting for the manufacturers to offer bikes that stirred the spirit and lured us into into riding in the first place.

In 2010, the guys talked, pipe-dreamed and planned. In 2011, they started making motorcycles for themselves, and next year, for their friends. 2013 saw the launch of Speedtractor to any and all who wished for something beyond the mainstream. The team say that their motorcycles are never the fastest and rarely the latest, but will always leave you wearing the biggest grin.

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