MotorCircus presents Mission Manx
It’s 1939. A small island in the Irish Sea. Infernal sounds and unburnt fuel are playing around in the air. Foolhardy men on their motorcycles chase the narrow, winding roads of the Isle of Man to triumph in the most famous – or infamous – motorcycle race, the Tourist Trophy. Georg “Schorsch” Meier is at the starting line, his BMW 500 Kompressor getting ready to attack the British premium class. While the following years have belonged to the Brits, the German racer will always be remembered for being the first foreign winner of the prestigious Senior TT the Blue Riband race of the Isle of Man TT and the first motorcycle racer to lap a Grand Prix course at over 100mph. The native Manx People were thrilled at Meier’s win. Courage and skill, coupled with the machine’s reliability were crucial for this unforgotten victory. His lap time of 25.008 was unrivalled for quite some time too.
Reason enough for MotorCircus (they’re three guys from Berlin who share similar ideologies on motorcycling and fueled freedom) to ride their boxer-engined steeds to the European mekka of motorcycle culture. No luxuries mind you, just freedom, dust and the occasional bonfire – a homage to one of the greatest motorcyclists of all time.
MotorCircus: Christoph Köhler, Marko Kramer, Martin Lemcke, Tim Adler
Camera: Thorsten Jarek
Sound Recording: Mathias Quast
Editing: Thomas Schütze, Patrick Märker
Music: Patrick Märker
Post Production: SCHÜTZE (schuetze.tv) & MASSLEVEL (masslevel.com)
Music Mastering: TDR Mastering (tdr-mastering.com)
POV Footage: TMF – The Motorcycle Factory
Subtitles: Andy Dukes
Special Thanks: Mark Wilsmore, Tony Wall, Neil Sinclair, Hodgkinsons Hotel, Roadrunners Rock & Motor Club