
Posted on Oct 28,2014 in Art

Boeing F-4 Phantom II Ejection Seat

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Odds are you’re never going to get to fly in an F-4 Phantom, but now you can know what it was like by taking a seat in your very own Boeing F-4 Phantom II Ejection Seat. Taken directly from one of these fighter jets, this genuine Mk.7 rocket-assisted ejection seat from an F-4 Phantom II was made by British manufacturer Martin-Baker Aircraft Co. Ltd., the world leader in ejection seats for more than 60 years.

boeing f-4 phantom ii ejection seat

The seat has been professionally cleaned and refurbished and riveted to a durable, hand-finished sturdy steel base with a natural-looking weathered finish. It includes a seatbelt, grip handle on right side of seat, empty oxygen tank and release button on left side of seat, Boeing Custom Hangar plaque permanently attached to the seat back, and Certificate of Authenticity. Note: No longer functional, so don’t expect to go flying through the roof in the event of an emergency/in-law visit.

Priced at USD 15,000, you can buy it here.

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