
Posted on Nov 09,2014 in Art

Atlas V16 Steampunk Lamp

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The Atlas V16 Steampunk Lamp by Futility Studios is a twin-Edison bulb powered floor lamp made almost entirely from parts from vintage automobiles and motorcycles. It is constructed by welding two V8 camshafts together, then adding a Harley-Davidson muffler baffle, glass electrical insulators, various transmission, rear axle and engine gears and pulleys, a brake rotor and a 1937 Ford distributor. New filters were used for the shades.

atlas v16 steampunk lamp

All metal parts are painted with a clear coat. This particular lamp uses air filters to throw a diffuse, warm light from those incandescent bulbs and would ideally suit a location in the corner of a larger room. The larger one that you see here sells for USD 300, while a smaller one retails for USD 160.

Buy it here.

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