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Smartbean Bluetooth Wireless Receiver | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 10,2014 in Lifestyle

Smartbean Bluetooth Wireless Receiver

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The Smartbean Bluetooth Wireless Receiver is the latest in the line from A.M.P designed to free you from wires and tangled cables. This ultra lightweight Bluetooth receiver provides Bluetooth connectivity at the touch of a button.


Simply plug in and pair your Smartbean Bluetooth Wireless Receiver with any Bluetooth-enabled device – and in just a few seconds – your favorite non-Bluetooth product is connected. The integrated microphone lets you take calls, and the audio controls let you adjust volume, pause and skip tracks and switch between audio and phone functions with a touch of a button. It has a wireless range of 30ft, and can even be connected to your car´s auxiliary input, for streaming music wirelessly.

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