
Posted on Nov 11,2014 in Buell

Custom Buell by Daniel Ludwigsen

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Dan Ludwigsen from Fayetteville, in North Carolina, is no stranger to Buells and Harley-Davidsons, having built quite a few custom ones. This one, which he simply dubs BBB – for Buell-based bobber – is the prototype for a model that he is planning to build in limited numbers. The one-off frame houses an XB9R engine and suspension, but while the Wheelbase and rake are same as the XB, the engine has been moved down by about 2 inches to achieve a lower center of gravity.

custom buell daniel ludwigsen

The silent block mounting system, which has been retained for comfort and reliability, is joined by a 2-in-1 custom exhaust crafted with equal length headers and a reverse megaphone. The build is completed with carefully selected electronics and lighting components and a vintage Honda fuel tank. Dan adds that he is also planning to make this custom frame available in a kit form for DYI builders. The Ludwigsen Bobber website is currently under construction, but you can get in touch with Dan through his eBay shop.

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