Skullcandy » Robbie Maddison’s Drop In
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Australian motorcycle stunt rider Robbie Maddison is a bit of a nut case, and that’s one of the (biggest!) reasons why we adore him. But ths time, the modern-day Evel Kneviel has outdone himself by doing a jump for the record books, attempting yet another death defying aerial feat as he takes over the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah, a setting that is more improbable, and impressive, than ever. “Maddo” teamed with Skullcandy and Red Bull Media House’s On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter to show the world what it truly means to DROP IN. Mind bogging, don’t you think?
Speed at launch: 114.26 km/h
Jump distance: 374 feet / 114 metres
Vertical drop: 185 feet / 18.5 stories
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