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The Power of Bicycles | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 15,2014 in Lifestyle

The Power of Bicycles

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This video doesn’t have anything to do with shredding rubber, but it certainly underscores how important bicycles are to people all over the world — like this schoolgirl named Tamara from Zambia. As an orphan living with her grandmother in Zambia, 12-year-old Tamara has a simple life, but not an easy one. See how her story changes with the power of a bicycle.

As an orphan living with her grandmother in Zambia, 12‑year‑old Tamara has a simple life, but not an easy one.

power of bicycles

While the sun rises,Tamara builds a fire; fetches water; washes clothes and prepares breakfast before making the 2.5‑mile trek to school.

power of bicycles

In 2014, Tamara received her bicycle along with 100 other students and teachers at Kabulonga Primary School.

power of bicycles

With a bicycle, Tamara can conquer the challenge of distance and experience the joy of making her own path in life.

power of bicycles

Help provide access to education, healthcare and economic opportunity for more students like Tamara.

power of bicycles

Since 2005, World Bicycle Relief has provided more than 200,000 specially‑designed, locally‑assembled bicycles to students, healthcare workers and entrepreneurs.

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