
Posted on Nov 29,2014 in Gaming

MXGP » The Official Motocross Videogame

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Dust, emotion, simulation, authenticity, amazing jumps and the fight to the first position. These are the key elements of MXGP: The Official Motocross Videogame, based on one of the most adrenaline filled and challenging Championship events ever. The aim? Win the World championship title match by match. Authentic racing features have been included into the game that will inspire Motocross lovers and race fans. MXGP features all the riders, teams, bikes and rules from the official MXGP 2013 calendar including a redesigned career mode for living the feelings of the Motocross.

This particular video introduces the MX2 Championship, which is one of two main classes in the FIM Motocross World Championship. From 2004, the official FIM championship has been divided into MXGP (previously known as MX1) and MX2 with MX2 catering for motorbikes from 125cc two-strokes through to 250cc four-strokes. An age restriction for riders of 23 years and under has also been established in order to participate. Season 2013 ended with Jeffrey Herlings victory, winning his 31st Grand Prix.

Available On: Xbox 360, PS4, Vita, PC

Check out the MXGP website here, and their YouTube channel with tons of videos.

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