
Posted on Nov 30,2014 in BMW

Nugget by Untitled Motorcycles

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Aptly named Nugget, Untitled Motorcycles’ custom BMW R80/7 is a masterpiece don’t you think? The 800cc engine has been completely overhauled, along with new big end shells, timing chains and tensioners, piston rings and clutch friction plates. The carbs have been overhauled as well, with new diaphragms fitted. The subframe has been customised and made into a 3/4 seat, with all the unnecessary brackets removed and an under frame battery box fitted. Bead-blasted and powdercoated in satin black, the frame is joined by a standard front end and satin black powdercoated BMW snowflake wheels. Twin Brembo callipers and an under-tank cable-operated reservoir at the front and standard BMW hub brakes at the rear take care of stopping duties.

nugget by untitled motorcycles

Additional goodies include a one-off seat, new wiring loom, classic British switchgear, custom handle bars, UMC headlight customised to fit speedo, oil and neutral lamps, side-mounted ignition switch, UMC customised front and rear mudguards, new rear Miller stop lights with UMC bracket, and custom-fabricated headers. The dull chrome and zinc plating to most nuts and bolts are Set off with a gold-leafed fuel tank, clear lacquered headlight and mudguards, and engine painted in heat resistant black.

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