Posted on Dec 06,2014 in MotoGP

Sic Supermoto Day 2014

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The Italian ‘Il Sagitario’ circuit was the host venue for the annual Sic Supermoto Day on Saturday, an event attended by several big names from MotoGP and Superbikes – all in memory of the late Marco Simoncelli.

The 2014 staging of the Sic Supermoto Day is the third edition of the event organised by Federico Capogna – with funds raised from the gathering going to the Simoncelli Foundation (directed by Marco’s father, Paolo) and the Tudisco Foundation, which assists children with serious illnesses.

sic supermoto day

The day’s activities saw Simoncelli’s memory honoured by the attendees, with Doriano Romboni also fondly remembered. Former Grand Prix rider Romboni was killed at the same Italian track last year as a result of a tragic accident.

Saturday saw a ‘MotoGP vs SBK’ showdown at the event, with two teams of four riders representing each series. Andrea Dovizioso, Mattia Pasini, Niccolo Antonelli and Matteo Ferrari represented MotoGP, whilst Max Biaggi, Chris Iddon, Niccolo Canepa and Leon Haslam were the SBK team members.

Iddon ultimately came out on top with Dovizioso second and Biaggi third. A second day of riding on Sunday will see various activities with a 58 lap endurance race being held in commemoration of SuperSic, followed by a closing awards ceremony.

Via MotoGP

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