
Posted on Dec 08,2014 in Concept

Kiska Husqvarna 401 Concept

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To the general motorcycling community, the name Kiska may not ring any bells, at least not with the familiarity of names like KTM, Husqvarna, and Triumph. Yet, these manufacturers all owe at least a portion, if not the majority of their brand DNA to the Austrian design consultancy. To the design community, the name Kiska carries the highest prowess.

kiska husqvarna 401 concept

The 25 year-old company is known for some of the most progressive forms in transportation design, producing stunning vehicles like the KTM X-Bow, Super Duke R and Opel RAD electric bike. You may have seen their most recent two-wheeled prototype popping up across the interwebs, the Kiska Husqvarna 401 Concept. The 401 is offered in Svit-Pilen (white arrow) and Svart-Pilen (black arrow) trim packages. Svit-Pilen being a squeaky clean street prepped machine, and Svart-Pilen, the knobby off-road variant. Here’s a look behind the design; a peak into the process and conceptual sketches that influenced the final aesthetic directions.

Source: Moto-Mucci

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