
Posted on Dec 08,2014 in Design

Moment Lens

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Smartphone cameras are quickly approaching the quality of high-end digital cameras, but still, they lack that ultimate edge. Moment aims to change all that by bringing 25 years of experience in designing beautiful cinematic lenses directly to your phone. Dubbed as the world’s best mobile photography lenses, you get to choose between two lenses, the “Wide Lens”, for capturing landscapes and tight interior shots with minimal distortion, and the “Tele Lens”, for getting you twice as close to the action with no distortion or degradation to the image, making it perfect for street portraits, adventure photos and travel.

Both lenses feature five elements of hand-polished, cinema-quality glass, precision-machined, hard anodized aluminium housing, a 0.3mm stainless steel mounting plate, and an interface constructed from aerospace grade stainless steel. As of now, the lenses are compatible with over 10 different devices, including the iPhone 4/4s/5/5c/5s/6/6+, iPad Air/Mini (1-3), Samsung Galaxy S4/S5, Galaxy Note 3, and Nexus 5.

Buy the Moment Lens here for USD 100 each.

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