Ricky Ciani at Bikers Café
This is Ricky’s second road trip to better understand different cultures, but this time, he’s mainly focussed on exploring Islam and the nations that have embraced it. His perspective on travelling by road echoes a strong sentiment many bikers feel; when you catch a flight to get from point A to point B, that is exactly what you’re doing, travelling between two dots on the map without ever stopping to discover what lies between. When you hit the road, on the other hand, you see a lot of things; you see the colour and characteristics of people changing, the change in culture, the change in dress, the change in food. Everything changes as you keep progressing in your trip.
Ricky began this trip on the 1st of November from Italy. A typical trip would last two months, because that’s when he can take off from work on his farm. Now with the winter season in full swing, nothing much could be done on the work front, and so it was time to pack up and see the world. The decision to visit Islamic countries arose from Ricky’s curiosity to to learn the differences between his culture and the Islamic way of life. In the UAE, he went to Ras Al Khaimah, to explore the emirate’s remote villages, because he feels that is where a country’s origin lies; it’s the best place to learn about a nation’s culture and history.
He is travelling alone, and feels it’s not that easy to find a travelling partner because most of them have their own requirements and way of doing things. He met this Dutch rider on his travel this year, but wasn’t able to partner with him as he used to meticulously plan each and every single detail ahead of the trip, whereas Ricky is more open-minded, even diverting his route if something interesting comes along enroute. In his words, “I programme my work, I don’t programme my travel.” Nor does he have any sponsors, as he’s travelling for pleasure and enjoyment, not for any company publicity. Sponsors always demand something from you, and that’s something Ricky doesn’t like. He even recalls having contracted malaria on his last journey in 2013, from a place called Sikasso in the border of Mali. It was a terrible experience, he says, where his light sensitivity levels shot up, and had to be quarantined in a dark room as to not be irritated by it.
He carries – more or less – all the equipment with him, and with his 1993 Yamaha Super Tenera 750 XTZ having only three electronic parts, it’s very easy to fix. According to him, today’s new-fangled bikes are overloaded with technology, and would probably be impossible to repair if something goes wrong when riding in remote and inhospitable terrain. The simpler the bike, the easier it is to fix, that’s Ricky’s mantra.
He arrived in the UAE on the 28th of November, and now waiting for his visa to India, where he is planning to stay for 20-30 days, which will see the culmination of his current trip. Enjoying the sumptuous food at Bikers Café, Ricky fondly remembers his favorite Green Salad with Feta cheese, which he had while in Greece. He finds Bikers Café very calm and comfortable, with excellent food and warm people, and added that it’s always a pleasure to find places for bikers, where he could meet other people with the same passion.
Travel Route:
Italy » Rome » Greece » Istanbul » Turkey » Iran » Bandar Abbas » Ferry to Muscat » UAE » India