
Posted on Dec 18,2014 in Lifestyle

Parrot Jumping Sumo

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Parrot Jumping Sumo is a responsive bot with a strong personality (and an embedded camera of course) that rolls, rushes, zig-zags, circles, and takes turns at 90°. In a flash, it can even leap up to 80cm in height. Thanks to a lithium-polymer battery, the device can get up to 7km/h and lasts for 20 minutes, with a free-field range of 50 metres.


Its ultra sophisticated technology enables more precise turns than most radio-controlled cars, and can perform half- and u-turns in less than a second with its inertial unit. Depending on your driving, Jumping Sumo also expresses its mood with customizable sound animations. As soon as you take it in your hands, the LED turns red, informing that jump is disabled. The wheels open for greater stability in high-speed, and retract to a “compact” mode to enhance agility and when driving through narrow areas.

The FreeFlight 3 free app offers you intuitive control from your smartphone or tablet. It connects through WiFi to your Jumping Sumo that generates its own 2.4 and 5 Ghz network, and is with devices running iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Moreover, a ‘road plan’ enables you to program a sequence with acrobatics. When you access the app, the sequence appears amongst the pre-defined tricks of your Jumping Sumo.


Jumping Sumo has 3 control modes:
– Jumper: Jumps up to 80 cm in height and length, and always lands on its wheels.
– Kicker: Its spring enables it to push objects in its path!
– Auto-Balance: Balancing a fashion, as a “Segway”.

Buy it here for AED 849.

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