
Posted on Dec 20,2014 in Bicycle

Koga Spyker Aeroblade

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Bespoke Dutch supercar builder, Spyker, might have gone bust, but that doesn’t mean their cars are any less stunning or, for that matter, their bicycle either. Built in cooperation with Koga, a renowed manufacturer of top end bikes, the Koga Spyker Aeroblade was unveiled in 2009, a custom-built titanium bicycle designed with specific Spyker features including the high-tech Spyker look, Spyker colours and the design of the spokes. The Aeroblade won the prestigious international Red Dot Design Award for best product design 2006.

koga spyker aeroblade

The titanium frame is accompanied by wheels and mudguards crafted from aluminium glass fibre and coated carbon composite. A pair of custom polished Formula disc brakes, special Rohloff 14-speed internal rear hub transmission and CNC-machined aluminium chain guard are set off with a unique saddle and handgrips supplied by Royal Dutch Tanners, Hulshof. At the time, only 50 examples were made, with each one selling for USD 15,000.

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