
Posted on Dec 21,2014 in Custom

Roy Holtman » Motorcycle Builder

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My buddy Roy Holtman has been modifying motorbikes for years. Talking about it a few months ago, I realised his passion would make for a great story. So I decided to make a short film about him that would also allow me to experiment and learn a lot about storytelling and creating a type of film I haven’t created before. It’s truly been a passion project – Roy’s passion for motorbikes and my passion for filmmaking. Now, after many, many hours of work it’s finally become what I envisioned when we started on the project.

Words and film by Lars Veenstra
Shot on the GH4 w/ Lumix and Sigma lenses, Zoom H6 audio recorder, edit in FCPX, grade w/ Pixel ProGrade plugin
Music is “Dwell” by Tony Anderson

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