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Dubai Riders and Kuwait Riders at Bikers Café | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Dec 22,2014 in Bikers Cafe

Dubai Riders and Kuwait Riders at Bikers Café

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Bikers Café was happy to host the wonderful people from Dubai Riders and Kuwait Riders for an event that saw them signing a contract with Medad Publishing. The agreement lays the foundation for a new book that will be released in April 2015, one packed with lots of helpful tips for new and seasoned bikers in the Middle East, information on the clubs, past adventures and rides, and much more. Dubai Riders began to arrive from 7 in the evening, taking over much of the motorcycle parking area, with the Kuwait riders coming in about an hour later. The impressive collection of Harley-Davidsons, Honda Goldwings and custom motorcycles was accompanied by lovely weather, a great atmosphere and lots of familiar faces. We had the venue set up exactly the way they required, and guests were welcomed with a special drink on arrival.


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