
Posted on Dec 28,2014 in Apparel

Dainese Webisode Series

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Dainese Leather Stories.
It was a trip to London as a young man that gave Lino Dainese inspiration to dedicate his life to working with leather and protective clothing, and to form the now-legendary Vicenza-based brand Dainese. Thanks to a special relationship with a local craftsmen, Lino had the opportunity to uncover and develop what he called the “intelligence of the hands” that, still today, is the heart and soul of the company bearing his name. From the start of the adventure in 1972, Lino has been helped by many friends and colleagues, whose efforts still today, are a byword for the excellence, fieldwork and innovation that have always made Dainese and its products stand out from the rest.

Valentino Rossi’s Leather Suit.
Valentino Rossi is extremely sensitive to safety issues. In the beginning, having a Dainese suit was a dream even for him. Nowadays, Valentino can be considered as one of the contributors to technological improvements and innovations that can be seen on all racing leathers. In this second video of the Dainese Webisodes, “The Doctor” describes his relationship with the company and those people who follow him since the very beginning of his career. The 9-time World Champion leads us through all changes Dainese introduced in the racing world and he experienced himself on his leathers, starting from the materials used, to protectors, the usage of bi-axial inserts and the aerodynamic hump, to the development and improvement of the D-Air airbag technology, setting the path for riders’ protection and safety.

The Cube.
The 90,000 square metre cube housing the Dainese warehouse and the starting point for the worldwide distribution of finished products. Like everything else concerning the little red devil, the cube also features high technology systems. In fact, the 15,000 loading units that it can contain are transported using a highly automated system, and moved using laser-driven fork-lifts that move around the warehouse in full autonomy. Inside the cube, there is also room for passion, demonstrated by the window boasting the autographs of all the champions that have visited during the years!

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