
Posted on Dec 29,2014 in Bikers Cafe

Bikers Café BBQ Night » December 27, 2014

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Our last BBQ Night before the end of 2014 was a big success, thanks (as always!) to the excellent weather, great people and fantastic food. Following the start at 7PM, about 20 members of the Honda group came down, followed by half a dozen individuals from the Emirates Off-Roaders Club who loved the ambience so much that they will be using the venue for their future meetings. Being Christmas time, our prime selection of grilled meats was accompanied by turkey dishes as well. Previous international travellers Manuel Kolloff and Ricky Ciani were also at Bikers Café, and were happy to see their photos on the Bikers Café wall of fame. Topping off the evening was a beautifully modified custom bike from Kuwait, which was on display at the cafe.

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