Car vs Bike » In the Snow
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Okay, so this video is in French, but you don’t really have to be a linguist to understand what this is all about (thank God for English subtitles). The crew at French publication, Moto Journal, goes the distance and attempt what thousands have done before – pitch car against bike – but with a twist this time. The first battle sees a 450 horsepower Porsche GT3 RS take on a 180 horsepower Yamaha R1 on ice! The custom designed circuit is a replica of the 5.8km Paul Ricard Circuit and, as a bonus, they also pitch a Mitsubishi Evo IX with a Yamaha WR450 in a similar shootout. Spikes, crashes and wicked fun, what’s not to like?
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Tags: CAR VS BIKE gt3 rs ice mitsubishi lancer evo moto journal paul ricard porsche 911 yamaha r1 yamaha wr450