
Posted on Jan 13,2015 in Classic

One Vespa Leads To Another

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When he was six years old, Peter Maas nabbed his grandfather’s garage key and snuck into his own future. Inside the shop, he found himself captivated by the shelves of carburetors and spark plugs, and old pictures of his grandpa’s TT racing days at Assen. From that moment on, Maas was obsessed with old things, and especially with old things that motored about on two wheels.

Upon turning sixteen, Maas bought himself a Vespa PK50. From there, one Vespa led to another and, today, he finds himself buying, selling, and restoring Vespas for a living in the Netherlands. He can now frequently be found stirring up the autumn leaves from atop his all-original GS160, an Italian-production model that exemplifies the voluptuous metal construction of the 1960s-era Vespas, Maas’s favorite.

Out of a mischievous childhood moment, Maas created a life that allows him to share his passion for vintage Vespas with others. In this video, he shares it with us.

Source: Petrolicious

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