Royal Enfield » Bonneville Salt Flats
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Matt Capri’s souped-up Royal Enfield Continental GTs, ridden by Nadine de Freitas, hit the salt flats of Bonneville and the result was a new Land Speed record in the 500 MPPS (Modified Pushrod Partially Streamlined) category, clocking an (unofficial) average speed of 97.69mph! Watch Matt and the Royal Enfield team at the Bonneville Salt Flats describe the journey in this three-part video, from start to finish.
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Tags: bonneville salt flats continental gt land speed record matt capri nadine de freitas Royal Enfield
Interesting but I am confused. The 2014 Bonnervile was a wash out due to rain, the article states “un-official” record and there is no mention on the SCTA website of this bike, rider or Matt Capri???
If someone could explain I would be grateful?