
Posted on Jan 15,2015 in Bicycle

smrtGRiPS Connected Bike Grips

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SmrtGrips Connected Bike Grips are designed to fit both standard and lock ring setups, and offer a number of features aimed at improving your cycling experience. The electronic intelligence includes haptic technology that communicates turn-by-turn directions through the left and right grips.

The right grip vibrates signaling you to turn right, or the left grip for a left turn; simple. The app, available on both iOS and Android also lets you locate your bike using the distance indicator or by tapping the “Ring your ride” button, which makes the bike immediately signal its location. Bluetooth tech also alerts you if a member of your group drifts off course. The waterproof grips run on a rechargeable battery that can supposedly last for up to three months on a single charge.

Pre-order the SmrtGrips Connected Bike Grips on Indiegogo.

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