
Posted on Jan 22,2015 in Concept

Rivet » William Shatner

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William Shatner is a Canadian actor, singer, writer, producer, director, spokesman, and comedian, better known for playing James T. Kirk, Captain of the United Federation of Planets starship USS Enterprise, in the science fiction television series Star Trek. You already knew that, didn’t you? Okay, so he is a big fan of cool cars and motorcycles, and now at 83, has started a company called Rivet Motors along with Kevin Sirotek of American Wrench. Why? To build the exotic V8-powered machine you see here. Shatner describes his two-seater project “as the cycle of the future, a machine as distinguished and iconic as the man himself.” The art-deco trike looks out of this world for sure, and feels uncannily similar to what we might have expected from Shatner. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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