
Posted on Feb 03,2015 in Classic

Deus Ex Machina » Yamaha TZ Racer

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Fresh from Woolie’s Workshop is a Tang-Tang’n two-stroke with capabilities of extremely high revolutions per minute and enough squeeze-pop to make your head spin. This 250cc Yamaha 2-Cycle racer looks fast standing still and is a unique personal project of Venice Motorcycle Design Director Michael Woolaway, who built it to be competitive in the 250 race class.


Yamaha TZs are the stuff of legends in the race world, winning international Grand Prix races throughout the Seventies. Like all the builds out of Woolie’s Workshop, it has that ‘final 5%” which is always the most assiduously earned and separates the great bikes from the good ones. This race-spec steed is feather-weight and fed by twin Mikunis to produce 50hp at 10,500rpm. Tuck in, hold on, and safety-wire yourself to the seat, because this little two-smoker is a real zinger.

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