
Posted on Feb 05,2015 in Classic

Custom Honda CB750 » Vibrazioni Art Design

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Originally released in 1968, the Honda CB750 was a revelation of sorts with its four-cylinder engine, modern transmission, electric start, single overhead cam and bullet-proof reliability. In addition to quickly becoming one of the most popular of the new breed of large-capacity sport bikes, the CB750 has also been the modder’s darling, with everything from cafe racers and bobbers to choppers and scramblers coming our way.


This incredible custom Honda CB750 is the work of Vibrazioni Art Design, a boutique design house started by Alberto Dassasso and Riccardo Zanobini, an Italian duo with a penchant for recycling old oil barrels into handmade furniture and occasionally, handbuilt motorcycles. Each of Vibrazioni Art Design’s motorcycles possess a visually arresting blend of Seventies endurance racer and post-apocalyptic Mad Max flair. This motorcycle benefits from new, adjustable rear suspension and re-jetted carburettors to match the pod air filter that exits to the left side of the battery box. The exhaust has been routed under the engine and up over the back wheel to exit into the slipstream, coupled with the rearsets and clip-on handlebars the bike has an aggressive, purposeful stance.

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