ZBoard 2 Electric Skateboard
Pioneers in the weight-sensing electric skateboard game, the makers of the ZBoard are back, and have taken just about everything to the next level. The ZBoard 2 electric skateboard blows away the competitors, and even the original ZBoard, thanks to upgrades like urethane wheels for a smoother ride, footpads that are lighter and more responsive, and a 500W brushless motor with a top speed of 32km/h that gets you where you need to be faster and more efficiently.
The battery is also lighter and slimmer and can be fully charged in just 90 minutes. Choose from the lighter ZBoard Blue with a 16 mile range, or the ZBoard Pearl — which sports a 24 mile range — making it the longest running weight-sensing electric skateboard ever. Both are light enough to grab and go using the dual integrated handles, making it the perfect method of transportation when it’s too far to walk and too short to drive.
Via Uncrate