
Posted on Feb 26,2015 in Apparel

Yamaha and Dainese renew partnership

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Dainese and Yamaha have renewed their partnership at the global launch of the R1 and R1M. During the presentation to international media at Eastern Creek in Australia, Dainese unveiled the customised version of its D-Air Racing airbag suits based on the colour schemes and style of the R1M.


Yamaha’s instructors will also use the airbag suits during YRE (Yamaha Racing Experience), the exclusive event dedicated to all European owners of R1M planned at four European circuits including Mugello, Spa, Brno and Nürburgring. During YRE events the Dainese will offer R1M owners the chance to take advantage of its ‘made to measure’ service.


The project linked closely with the launch of the R1M represents just one of the partnerships, which sees Dainese and Yamaha working together to enhance passionate rider safety.


Stefano Grasselli, sales director for Dainese’s D-air product line commented: “At this early stage of the agreement with a prestigious partner such as Yamaha, we are more than happy. To be here, alongside Yamaha at the launch of such an important model as the R1M, makes us extremely proud and drives us even harder to look for further forms of collaboration aimed at meeting our respective customer requirements while providing everyone with maximum safety and satisfaction”.

Paolo Pavesio, Yamaha Motor Europe marketing division manager, added: “I would say that it has been quite natural to work Dainese to enrich the available package around R1M. The bike itself gives the closest experience to a MotoGP bike a customer can buy and the Yamaha Racing Experience we’re offering to all R1M 2015 customers in July will enhance this link. Thanks to Dainese our R1M customers will also have the possibility to get a tailor-made R1M inspired racing suit with the innovative D-Air airbag technology. The best works with the best”.

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