
Posted on Mar 01,2015 in Bikers Cafe

Natasha and Stephane at Bikers Café

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Natasha are Stephane are the latest travelers to visit Bikers Café. Enjoying sumptuous Egg Malawach and sugar pasta for breakfast at the café, they had quite a few interesting stories to tell.


The realization of a lifelong dream, the couple – accompanied by two dogs – have been travelling for six months and plan to do so for another six, depending on the budget. So far, they have travelled to Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and the UAE. Thanks to their well-equipped, French-made Saviem SM8 medium-duty truck, they don’t find the need to take a hotel room wherever they go, preferring to stay in the truck itself.


After a journey comprising around 24,000 kilometres, they are now in Dubai. At the end of 10 days – they already took the time to see the stunning fountains at the Dubai Mall and head to the top of the Burj Khalifa – the pair will be sending the truck to Thailand via boat, and they’ll be heading out via a flight. A short trip to Hatta is also on the cards.

Electricians by profession in their home country, and running their own businesses, the duo had to work really hard for almost five years to earn enough money to make this journey come true. During the trip, there was a small problem with the truck in Uzbekistan, and though Stephane wanted to fix it himself, a local mechanic helped them out in the end.

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