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Custom Honda CB550 by Kott Motorcycles | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Mar 04,2015 in Classic

Custom Honda CB550 by Kott Motorcycles

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The 1977 and 1978 single overhead cam Honda CBs incorporated several changes to the earlier models. Not all of these changes were well received, but some of those changes can be enhanced to make the best machine possible. The later model frames and swingarms were slightly longer than the earlier models and elongated the wheel base of these machines. Garrett at Relic Motorcycles fabricated an exended swingarm that enhanced the already additional length and gave this bike a menacing drag bike look.


A look that lent itself well to the dark overtones of the black paint scheme and the timelessness of subtly placed copper and distressed brown leather. The headlight placement of this bike was also ideal. The intentionality of shortening the headlight brackets and using a smaller headlight bucket gave this bike a tidy and well packaged look. An additional experiment with the truncated seat gives the custom Honda CB550 a sense of animated proportions, offering the machine the look of an almost floating tank and seat combination; once again harkening to the vintage drag stance.

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