
Posted on Mar 12,2015 in Classic

Blacksquare Honda CB550

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Blacksquare is a unique custom motorcycle based on a 1977 Honda CB550. Created by New Jersey’s Kyril Dambuleff, the objective to optimize form and function, and to maximize the power to weight ratio. In other words, a custom motorcycle that is elegant and simple in appearance and which is safe and fun to ride. The solution was in pursuing a minimalist approach with attention to detail. Everything that is not essential for the machine to run has been eliminated. There are no instruments, no mirrors, no front fender, no switches, no blinkers. No conveniences. No luxuries. A headlight, taillights and a license plate holder are the only necessities.


Only the frame, engine, front forks, rear wheel hub, and side covers were retained from the 1977 original. All other components on the Blacksquare Honda CB550 were either custom-made or custom-fitted. The original engine has been completely rebuilt with Japanese OEM parts, and is joined by similarly treated carbs, with the addition of a custom brass shaft for the main stay and Steel Dragon Performance brass velocity stacks. Other goodies include a BCR ‘Dolphin’ fuel tank, Avon tyres sitting on Devon Rim Company spokes, Hagon rear shocks, custom stainless exhaust system, and antique-look headlight and taillights. As a result, the motorcycle’s weight was reduced to a total of 170kg (down from the factory wet weight of 192kg). This makes it possible that machine and rider could weigh a combined total of 250kg. Considering the engine’s displacement is 550cc, this is as good as a 2014 Porsche 911 Carrera 4 weighing in at 1,520kg and sporting a 3,456cc engine.


This project was inspired by the works of talented custom motorcycle builders such as The Gravel Crew, Falcon Motorcycles, Raccia Motorcycles, and others. Read about the full build here.

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