
Posted on Mar 14,2015 in Custom

KTM Duke 200 » Studio Motor

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With the custom motorcycle scene in Indonesia booming, it is no wonder more and more people want to be seen riding one. Take for instance Andrew Thomson, an Australian gentleman who works in Indonesia, and wanted to get the feel of riding a modified bike. A spanking new KTM Duke 200 was duly purchased and shuttled off to the Studio Motor workshop to be converted to a scrambler. “When I chose this bike, I knew that I needed to modify this bike. The distinctive suspension looks perfect for a scrambler style”, says Andrew. The engine is a 199.5cc liquid-cooled, four-stroke single with a bore X stroke of 72mm x 49mm.


The original body was swapped with a handmade unit crafted from 1.2mm galvanized plate, along with a BMW fuel tank. The custom headlight and taillight on “The Stout” are joined by an aftermarket scrambler-style exhaust system, and topped off with a classic silver-grey base by Komet Studio, highlighted with white and gold accents.

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