
Posted on Mar 24,2015 in Bicycle

Shinola Nickel-Plated Detroit Arrow

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In a limited edition production of just 25, Shinola’s first single-speed bicycle gets a high-shine upgrade with the exclusive, nickel-plated Detroit Arrow, now available. The anti-corrosive nature of this stunning, mirrored finish means these ultra-rare bicycles are built for performance as well as style. Streamlined for urban riding and hand assembled by specialists in Detroit, the Shinola nickel-plated Detroit Arrow features a True Temper double-butted CroMo frame with a bright, high-luster nickel finish on the frame, fork and chain guard.


Additional features include a silver bell, CroMo front rack, Shinola leather saddle and super-light foam grips. Custom laser-cut rear dropouts feature the Shinola “S,” which matches the same “S” detail cast in the fork crown, and puncture-resistant 700x32C tyres with a 3M reflective strip deliver a smooth, pothole-absorbing, safe ride. Each component is fitted by hand and tested for quality precision. Available in 55cm and 57cm, the Shinola Nickel-Plated Detroit Arrow is priced at USD 1700.

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