
Posted on Apr 16,2015 in Cafe Racer

Deus Ex Machina » Gentleman Jim

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James J. Corbett aka Gentleman Jim was about as tough as they came, purebred American boxer with a reputation for packing a hard punch in the ring. Like his nickname suggests, he also was a man of fine taste and manners. It seems like this 2008 Harley-Davidson 1200 EFI Sportster and good old Jim have a lot in common; both hail from the US of A, and both are known for their hard punches and style. At first glance though, certain angles might trick you into believing that this is indeed a British steed, a true gentleman’s ride. However, slide side on and it becomes clear that a little rough trade is at play.


Rather than shoehorn Harley’s injected 1200 twin into a Norton or some such chassis, Deus Camperdown’s chief tech Jeremy decided to sever the sub-frame from a Kawasaki W650, and graft said appendage to the Sporty’s rear end. This achieves a linear horizontal from tank to seat, otherwise difficult with the stock HD sub-frame.


The standard 21/16 wheel configuration is moved on for an alloy 19″ front and 18″ rear wheels, stainless laced to custom hubs. Revised fork internals and alloy bodied Icon rear damping units ensure the ride is most satisfactory. Tingate swan neck clip-on bars aid the cafe styling, however without the severe lean forward of some cafe racers. Adjustable Sato Racing rear sets compliment the package on this Deus custom.


Custom front and rear fenders offer strength in elegance with the rear crowned by a Lucas style tail light. The seat is a custom unit as are the mirrors, headlight, brake lines, and speedo, while the top clamp is a standard unit filled with alloy and smoothed over. Custom RSD 2-into-1 exhaust provides a pleasant note suitable for any gent. Paint is stunning and inspired by the interesting days of AMF Harley, thus the luscious satin and gloss black. Impeccable indeed.

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