Posted on Apr 18,2015 in Cars

Jay Leno’s Garage » 1971 Citroën DS

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Lovingly dubbed as ‘The Goddess’, the Citroën DS is a four-door, front-engine, front-wheel drive car manufactured and marketed by the French company from 1955 to 1975 in sedan, wagon/estate and convertible body configurations. Considered much ahead of its time, the car was styled and engineered by Italian sculptor and industrial designer Flaminio Bertoni and French aeronautical engineer André Lefèbvre. Paul Magès developed the hydropneumatic self-levelling suspension. Noted for its aerodynamic, futuristic body design and innovative technology, the DS set new standards in ride quality, handling, and braking. This car remains as innovative today as it was when it first hit the road in 1955. Jay changes its tire without a jack – and shares Citroën’s truly weird advertisements.

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