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MINI Augmented Vision | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Apr 21,2015 in Concept

MINI Augmented Vision

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At the Auto Shanghai 2015 show, MINI is revealing its vision for connectivity between augmented reality eyewear and the car. The MINI Augmented Vision project embraces one of the major trends of the future – AR technologies enhance reality by overlaying the field of vision with supplementary digital information, usually by means of computer generated graphics. And the real and virtual worlds are set to merge more and more in the future while driving as well. MINI Augmented Vision demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating this type of eyewear into MINI vehicles.


Cutting-edge see-through technology combines with a large field of view to allow the wearer to see overlaid images without having to look away from the road. This means that navigation instructions, for example, are displayed directly in the lenses of the driver’s eyewear, so that the driver can focus their attention on the road at all times and concentrate entirely on the traffic. At the same time, tracking technology helps to ensure that no other drivers or road hazards are concealed by the extra displays. Besides showing navigation information, incorporating the AR technology into glasses paves the way for additional functionality when the head turns in other directions, such as the ability to look through the car door while parking, for example, as well as for functions outside the vehicle.

MINI Augmented Vision incorporates the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor for the glasses, and Qualcomm Vuforia mobile vision platform that provides the technology used for determining position of the glasses inside the car. The eyewear was also produced with assistance from ODG (Osterhout Design Group), a leading manufacturer of AR eyewear, who provided its optical and electronic technology, development and manufacturing support.


MINI entrusted the design of the glasses, the colour scheme and the digital user experience to BMW Group subsidiary Designworks. This was where a technical device was turned into a lifestyle product that succeeds in translating the MINI design idiom to eyewear. When it came to designing the AR visuals, it was their seamless integration that posed the greatest challenge. Designworks devised a user experience for MINI that allows the wearer of the glasses to perceive the various AR states in a very realistic form with a natural flow.


The Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor is built into the upper section of the casing, which also features inertial sensors and cameras. These are used for determining position of glasses in the vehicle and are not intended in any way for producing and storing videos or photographs as far as the application is concerned. The glasses furthermore include two stereoscopic HD displays for three-dimensional vision as well as WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS technology. The glasses can also be customised, for example by fitting optical lenses for spectacle and contact lens wearers.


The augmented reality glasses can in principle be connected to different vehicles provided they are suitably equipped. As a permanent internet connection is not required for the purpose of connectivity, there is no need for an additional SIM card either. The glasses can, however, connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth or WiFi in order to retrieve or download data when away from the vehicle.


A MINI app runs on the glasses both inside and outside the vehicle. Inside the vehicle, MINI Augmented Vision is linked up with MINI Connected and operated using controls in the vehicle, such as the steering-wheel buttons. When outside the vehicle, the AR glasses can be operated with the controls on the right temple.

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