
Posted on Apr 27,2015 in Bicycle

Husqvarna Strider Balance Bike

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Here’s one for the little dudes (and dudettes); Strider balance bikes are training bikes that help children as young as 18 months learn to ride on two wheels. The company says the unique no-pedal design teaches young children balance on two wheels right from the start, avoiding developmental delays typical with tricycles and training-wheel bikes. And if you thought the sizeable range of bikes to choose from wasn’t enough for your child, now there’s this cool Huqvarna-branded one that ought to do the trick.

husqvarna strider balance bike

“I remember watching my motorcycling heroes on Husqvarna motorcycles back in the 70′s when I was a child, so I was excited to see the recent return of this legendary brand,” says Ryan McFarland, Strider’s founder. “Now, I’m even more excited to be part of introducing the next generation of riders to the brand with our new Husqvarna Strider bike.”

Sporting cool Husqvarna graphics, the bike features a 12.7mm steel handlebar – which is 43 per cent smaller than standard to allow better control with tiny hands – and custom yellow mini-grips. Machined-aluminium quick release allows “No Tools” height adjustment from 18-22″. The blue, all-weather mini-saddle is designed specifically for beginning riders. Ultralight one-piece wheels sport a raised-letter, five-spoke design with 10 bearing support gussets for maximum strength at the lightest weight possible. They come fitted with EVA polymer tyres that are lightweight, durable and never go flat. Finally, the unique, frame-integrated footrests are positioned directly below the saddle for natural bike balance.

The Husqvarna Strider Balance Bike is available to order here for USD 139.99.

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